Hello – I’m Kathryn, the writer behind Becoming you
I blog to connect with the world and remind myself of who I am aside from someone’s mom.
About Kathryn Rossiter
Kathryn Rossiter is a South African lifestyle blogger and mom of 2 who writes daily over at Becoming you. Her site offers daily information, inspiration and encouragement for women and it is her place on the web to express her dual passions for writing and photography.
About Me
I am a 30-something mom of 2 (a “pigeon pair”) and I work from home as a freelance writer and editor (social media content primarily, but other content too) during the mornings (and many evenings!)
I shuttle kids around, manage homework, police playdates and cheer from the sidelines at sports matches most afternoons.
I blog in between!
My blog covers a diverse range of topics and offers daily information, inspiration and encouragement for women. I love to share inspiring things that interest me – travel, style, family, decor, photography and beauty!
My blog is my happy place and was started as a creative outlet for me when I was in the midst of early motherhood. Through my blog I combine my passions for writing, photography, travel and family and I LOVE IT!
My stand out travel experiences include exploring the Cinque Terre of Italy solo, cruising on a Klotok through the jungle of Borneo, sunset scootering around the island of Kithnos in Greece, meandering through the back streets of Stone Town in Zanzibar, zipping through the most extreme zipline in the world, walking with cheetah in the Karoo and generally living the good life in Cape Town where I indulge in my love for good food and wine, every weekend!
More About Me
I am a Capetonian, book lover, chocoholic, francophile, magazine addict, prettiness magpie, amateur photographer, jewellery junkie, sometime gardener, wannabe world traveller (on hold for now), terrible saver, terrific spender, reluctant chef, creative crafter, art film watcher, impatient driver, childrens book collector, list maker who is saved by grace.
My name is spelt with a K and a Y but it’s NOT Kathy
I married someone I met on a blind date! I was 21 and freaked out a fair number of people in the process.
One of the hardest things I have been through is secondary infertility, which I struggled with for almost 18 months. Some dark days those, which I am glad are now behind me. I now have 2 of the cutest kids on the planet!!
I try to be the best mom I can be and I am grateful for the time I get to spend with them at home but it’s the hardest job I’ve ever had – 24 hours shifts with no time off or sick days.
I could do with more patience…
I’m an ESFJ
I have a great part-time job as a Media Liaison which involves writing – guides, newsletters and website content as well as social media.
I love magazines and blogging is a natural extention of that – It would be amazing to find a way to pay the bills through blogging! Slowly, slowly…
I have a gym membership but am not at all into exercise – I go once a week to keep my membership active but sometimes that means popping in to swipe my card, have a sauna or a smoothie and check my mail…. Don’t judge me 😉
Dancing to cheesy music is my exercise of choice!
I don’t like cooking – there I said it – most moms esp mom bloggers are assumed to be amazing cooks. My husband does most of the cooking in our house – I am seriously blessed!
I don’t drink coffee or fizzy drinks or eat crisps – all New Years Resolutions I made and kept! I make up for that by drinking lots of Milo, wine and Appletizer and eating everything else…. I am not know for my willpower when it comes to baked goods, pizza or chocolate!
Time with my girlfriends makes me happy. I need my monthly bookclub to preserve my sanity!
I am definitely more a Summer person but I find it easier to dress in Winter. I think most moms do – might have something to do with being able to hide certain “bits” under a few layers??
I will always choose to go to an art house movie above any other.
This year my goals are to continue to simplify life, to grow my blog, to seek out and speak truth in everything – my life and others, and to loose those last 5 kgs!!
The hobby I most want to improve is my photography and I would love to upgrade my camera to a new Canon 1000D
I will order Eggs Benedict if it is on the menu… best breakfast ever!
I lived overseas for 2 years when I was a newly wed and we traveled a fair bit in Europe but I have seriously itchy feet to go traveling again and it upsets me that traveling from the tip of Africa is so expensive and far from everywhere else in the world. I need to do more traveling…
I made the most definitive decision of my life at age 8 when I chose to follow Christ.
I celebrate my birthday in July…. 😉
Each New Year’s Eve I choose a word for the coming year (as opposed to a resolution)…
In 2011 my word was Simplify
For 2012 my word was Truth (I want to speak and seek the truth in all relationships, conversations, people etc. I also want to be a more true version of myself!)
In 2013 it was Acceptance (of myself and others and circumstances!)
For 2014 my word was Faith (stepping out in faith and growing my own faith).
My word for 2015 was Finance. Not as deep as previous years but a necessary one this was the year I moved to blogging full time and needed to get some money in, and then learn how to keep it (aka save!)
For 2017 my word was Focus!
In 2018 my word was Flow (go with the flow, flow with life, flow in my gifts etc etc. Read more here)
In 2019 my word was Depth (I wanted to go deeper not wider – in my faith, relationships, interests. Focus on fewer – but go deeper!)
For 2020 my word is FLOURISH
Here is the definition of this word… I’ve bolded the ones that resonate with me!
verb (used without object)
verb (used with object)
- to brandish dramatically; gesticulate with: a conductor flourishing his baton for the crescendo.
- to decorate or embellish (writing, a page of script, etc.) with sweeping or fanciful curves or lines.
Sometimes I have the opportunity to attend events and review various products. I am either paid in cash, product or free tickets in return for writing about them. Regardless of that, you can be absolutely sure that the opinions and experiences expressed on my blog are my own. I love being able to talk about places and things that I like and recommending them to my friends in real life and Becoming you is an extension of that – if you are a reader then I consider you a friend! I have and will continue to promote things that I paid for myself (and I will also choose to NOT write about products or places that I was sent or invited to that I did not enjoy).